A week ago there was a foot of snow on the trail and today some sections are bare and some are glare ice! If you are on the trail keep this in mind. As soon as the weather is warmer and the trail dries up we will grade the trail and fill in the erosion areas once again. The Flyway board is well aware of the condition of some of the trail (it is checked regularly) and short of the permanent fix of asphalt we will just keep filling in the holes after a rain. We are going to apply for a grant to blacktop the whole trail but even if we get the grant it won’t happen until 2024 or 2025. We hope you understand and have some patience.
Speaking of patience…. This statement from SEH “Phase 2 of the Great River State Trail (Flyway Trail) is approximately 60% complete.Multiple environmental and design documents are being finalized for approval. Coordination is being completed with the Wisconsin Central Ltd. Railroad. Construction is anticipated for 2024”.