Directions to the Flyway Trail Phase 1
To the Winona entrance from Wisconsin
On Highway 54 turn right before the bridge and circle around underneath the new bridge taking a right turn toward the beach. Park in the parking area and head across the Old Wagon Bridge, past the Aghaming Park. The Flyway Trail begins here and the crosses the BNSF rail up ahead.
To the Buffalo Town Park entrance
W 301 Wis 35 Fountain City, Wi. The Flyway Trail begins here and goes north toward Winona.
From Minnesota
On Hwy 54 cross the Mississippi on the old bridge and stay in the right lane, taking the first right and then left into the beach area. Park here and ride or walk across the Old Wagon Bridge, past the entrance to Aghaming Park. The Flyway Trail begins where you see the boulders blocking motorized traffic.