We hope you will consider making a gift which is personally meaningful and satisfying to you.
Flyway Trail is a charitable organization 501(c)(3)organized under the name Buffalo County Land & Trails Trust.
Tax number available on request
Pledge Commitments
Can be fulfilled by cash, check, commodities or appreciated property. Donors are advised to consult with their financial advisor if making gifts without using cash or check. Please ask if your employer has an employee-giving matching program.
A Pledged Gift – A pledged gift allows donors to give at their highest capacity. A pledge can be fulfilled over a period of three years based on the schedule options and type of payment that works best for the donor. Campaign managers will send payment reminders. Donors will receive tax-deductible gift receipts for each payment made.
An Outright Gift – An outright gift of cash is the simplest and most common way of giving. Outright gifts also include IRA required mandatory distributions, appreciated securities, bonds, personal assets; real property assigned ownership or beneficiary status in paid life insurance with cash value – in any single form or in combination.
Gifts of Stock – Many of these kinds of gifts hold specific capital gains tax advantages and deductibility for the donor.
Bridging the Bluffs Campaign Donor Recognition Plan
All contributions of any amount to the Bridging the Bluffs Campaign for Flyway Trail are greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged throughout the course of the campaign on literature, informational trail brochures and the Flyway Trail website. Gifts of $1,000 or more will be permanently recognized on a donor recognition wall at a location near the trailhead, as determined Flyway Trail following approval from Buffalo County and the City of Winona. Donors may choose to make their gifts in honor or in memory of a loved one or in recognition of specific events or accomplishments. All gifts and pledges are confidential. Donor also may choose to remain anonymous.
Giving Society Names
Gift Clubs | Contribution Amount |
TUNDRA SWAN Giving Society | $100,000 and above |
GREAT WHITE PELICAN Giving Society | $50,000-$99,999 |
GREAT BLUE HERON Giving Society | $25,000-$49,999 |
SNOWY OWL Giving Society | $15,000-$24,999 |
KINGFISHER Giving Society | $10,000-$14,999 |
WOOD DUCK Giving Society | $5,000-$9,999 |
MALLARD Giving Society | $1,000-$4,999 |
Bridging the Bluffs Campaign Sign Recognition List As of 3/24/21
Pledges & donations as of 03:24:21
Enhanced Charitable Giving Incentives Mandated by the CARES ACT
Source: Association of Fundraising Professionals:
The CARES Act—the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act—is a $2.2 trillion stimulus plan that contains funding opportunities for charities and enhanced charitable giving incentives. The following information provides an overview of the key parts of the plan to help get charities started, but it is not intended to provide legal advice.
- Temporary Universal Charitable Deduction—Taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions can take a one-time deduction of up to $300 for gifts made to charitable organizations. The provision is intended only for the year 2020; however, in the text of the bill, it states taxable years “beginning in 2020 …” and does not include a sunset date, thus it conceivably could extend beyond 2020. The deduction is ONLY for gifts of cash made in calendar year 2020 and does not cover other types of gifts or contributions made to donor-advised funds or private foundations.
- Suspends the 60 percent adjusted gross income limitation for individuals’ charitable contributions for the year 2020. In a typical year, individuals can only take a charitable deduction of up to 60 percent of their adjusted gross income, no matter how much they give. For 2020, there is no limit, making cash contributions fully deductible.
- Increases the cap on how much corporations may deduct for charitable gifts from 10 percent of taxable income to 25 percent. In addition, the limitation on deductions for food donations by corporations increases from 15 percent to 25 percent in 2020.
- Waives for 2020 the required minimum distributions from retirement plans, such as pensions and 457 plans. Any minimum distributions from retirements plans that would have been required in 2020 can be delayed until 2021. This change reduces the incentive for donors to make gifts from their individual retirement account (IRA)—the IRA Rollover Provision
We’re looking for amazing individuals like yourself to donate their time for the greater good of the community. You inspire us (and so many others!) with your dedication and selflessness. It’s because of people like you that this community is a better place. We’re can’t wait to work with to turn this project in a world-class, multi-use trail for generations to come!

We hope you will consider making a gift!
The more people we get on board, the faster we can make this happen and start enjoying an incredible trail along the Mississippi river!
Projects like this survive on people like you who are willing to step up and make an impact. Let’s show the world what the power of community can do!
We’re all about taking action and making things happen, but that requires resources and manpower from the community. Help us help this area!
If you’re anything like us you are committed to helping others so that you can improve yourself. There’s nothing like joining forces and making progress together!