The Wisconsin Railroad Commissoner denied Wis Dot’s railroad crossing design for phase 2 of the Flyway Trail. This leaves the status of the trail in limbo. The Commissioner told the DOT and the railroad to get together and come up with a new design. This means additional design and submittal costs for the Flyway Group. […]
Category: News
It’s February??
What an incredible winter. Today I picked up trash on the trail and it was 58 degrees. There were people walking and biking on the trail. Happy to see them enjoying the warm, sunny day with friends and pets. I know we could get some bad weather yet but every day the sun is stronger […]
September 28 2023
The trail is in very good shape. We tried using sandbags to fill in some of the erosion trouble spots and it seems to have worked well. We got it mowed a bit late this summer but now there are some plants growing that may hold the soil better. I know some are weeds but […]
Along the Trail
Take some time to walk the trail. There are some interesting plants to see. A few black raspberry bushes have berries almost ready to pick. I noticed that there are many varieties of tree’s ,including some I didn’t recognize.
March 26 2023
Trail maintenance done. A few erosion areas filled in again. Trash picked up. Trail came through the winter in great shape. People enjoying a walk or bike ride already. Enjoy spring.
Winter 2023
A week ago there was a foot of snow on the trail and today some sections are bare and some are glare ice! If you are on the trail keep this in mind. As soon as the weather is warmer and the trail dries up we will grade the trail and fill in the erosion […]
In case you missed my letter to some local papers I’ve posted it here. Some on the Buffalo County Board are pushing for a referendum on the November Ballot asking the voters to weigh in on whether there should be a trail through Buffalo County. Watch for more information. I want to tell you about […]
Thank you for attending the Public Meeting
It was a good meeting and we appreciate all of you for taking the time to learn about phase 2. It’s hard to believe that construction won’t begin until 2024. When there are so many agencies and a railroad involved nothing moves very fast. We are lucky to have SEH and especially Tara involved because […]
Thanks Everyone!
People and businesses that helped make Phase 1 possible and begin work on Phase 2. We need to add the information about the Federal and State funding that supported the majority of the costs.